Press, News & Events
Affinity CEO attends Management and Leadership Events

Our CEO, Carlos Pais Correia, has been present in several Webinars & Events throughout the first months of the year, transmitting his vision and experience and adding value in the career evolution of new or aspiring managers.
In June, he was present at the Webinar ‘Gestão e Liderança de Projectos’ (Project Management and Leadership), at the invitation of the University of Minho, and in the same month with the Associação Comercial de Braga, at the Webinar ‘Os 5 Erros Clássicos do CEO e as 5 Regras de Ouro’ (The CEO’s 5 Classic Mistakes and the 5 Golden Rules). In both events Carlos shared his insights, management practices and advice for the success of any business, also inviting people to read his book ‘Survival Manual – 52 lessons for successful leadership’ (Manual de Sobrevivência – 52 lições para liderar). Earlier this year our CEO also took part on the Speakers panel at the second edition of Nómada Digital Summit, an event focused on the issue ‘Flexibility at Work’. In the same month he also took part on the Fireside Talks by Spark Agency where he shared with university students some of the lessons, he learned through his path towards building his companies.
Carlos Pais Correia has a degree in computer engineering and an executive master’s degree in business management, having gone through several experiences throughout his career, until in 2012 he started the dream ‘Affinity’, an IT consulting company with a clear focus on people and in the development of valuable experiences for all stakeholders. In 2016 he also launched Keywork, a high-performance software aimed at the recruitment and management of human resources.
It is with great pride and pleasure that Carlos transmits knowledge that he has acquired over his years of leadership, and that he transmits it to new managers, future CEOs, professionals in the Technology areas, students and many other people in different business areas.
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