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Affinity is back to our offices!

For more than two months Affinity has maintained its professional activity in full remote. With the end of the Emergency State previously declared by the Portuguese State, Affinity began preparing the return to the office, in a phased manner and with all the necessary and appropriate precautions, all set to start in June.


This return to professional activity in the office involved careful planning so that everyone’s safety was guaranteed. Hygiene issues, such as reinforced cleaning plans, support to employees in accessing the office or security measures concerning occupancy and common spaces were implemented in order to reduce occupancy density and circulation patterns.


During this process, Affinity’s employees were listened to, regarding fears and concerns, situations were considered on a case-by-case basis in a collaborative and open manner, thus ensuring everyone’s trust in a responsible return. Only 33% of the Corporate team will be at the Office, organized with a system of weekly rotation alternated with teams. Though some employees remain 100% in remote work when justified by health weaknesses, security in the access to the office, or other reasons that justify it.


The recruitment processes carried out by the Talent Management team will remain 100% digital and both internal and external processes and meetings are advised to have the same format.


This post-confinement operation may undergo changes and adjustments, as necessary, in order to ensure the safety and health of all employees and customers in this new reality.


We value and believe in the digital as much as we believe in the value of human relations, with this digital/presential flexibility we seek to ensure the security of all while adding some human interaction so important and strengthening the ties that unite us.

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