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Affinity’s International Talent Manager present in an IT event in Tunisia

Fares Gharbi, Affinity’s International Talent Manager in Tunisia, was invited to be part of an event carried out by the NGO Kulimi e.V. for students in the IT sector.
Our Talent Management expert Fares, played an active role in presenting two out of three sessions addressed to students under the theme “Resume and Interview Workshop in the IT Industry”.
The topics presented in the sessions were: 1) How to write a Resume; 2) How IT projects are managed and 3) How to conduct an Interview. Fares presented the first and the third topics, starting by sharing some good practices when writing a CV and make it effective, how to follow a proper structure in terms of learning, as well as the best approach in LinkedIn when writing our professional experiences.
In the third session, he shared the main points to avoid when interviewing, the needs of the current market and talented aware engineers, key indicators of networking and its effects on one’s career, as well as the type of questions they can expect from a recruiter in technology.
For Fares, “It was a pleasure to present to these young IT professionals some ways to improve their position in the market. It was a great exchange knowledge and support the growth of ambitious people who understand the value of their talent on a global scale.”
The event took place last Saturday 18th March, a memorable moment that makes us proud, as Affinity tries to be present in events dedicated to students, following closely the growth of future technological talents, now in an international format as well. Thank you Fares for your important input!
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