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IT Nearshore as a strategic solution for the demands of digital transformation: XO10 Story

On a visit to the XO10 headquarters in Amsterdam last month, we spoke with Raymond Pennings CEO and Co-Founder of XO10, to share with us his experience, as a Nearshore partner of Affinity since 2020.
Technological transformations and the challenges that arise with them lead to necessary and rapid action from companies, accelerating the demand for experienced professionals as well as the need for flexibility and adaptability. Nearshore synergies seek to adequately respond to this trend, and it was exactly this flexibility, responsiveness and relationship that XO10 found in the Nearshore partnership with Affinity.
The team is predominantly made up of professionals from the areas of Software Development and Quality Assurance, and all members, whether in Portugal or the Netherlands, collaborate transversally, integrating customer projects, as well as dedicating themselves to the development of the XO10’s own product.
In a relationship in which the key word is, of course, communication, as we can highlight in the testimony of Raymond Pennings, the willingness to cooperate grows from year to year, always maintaining a close and honest relationship, where project managers and technical professionals with different experiences and skills work together, planning the next step as one team.
After several years working together, the trust, simplicity and stability that Raymond Pennings highlights between the two companies are characteristics of the agile and efficient response capacity that Affinity seeks to offer, as well the cultural connection with its clients.
Affinity continues to reinforce its position as a strategic partner in the area of IT Outsourcing and IT Nearshore services, solving and simplifying IT projects for companies with a focus on consistency, quality response and building true partnership relationships.
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