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Nearshore & Culture: Creating bridges, Boosting businesses

September was the stage for one more Webinar organized by Affinity, this time focused on Nearshore & Culture: The importance of Culture in Nearshore Technological Projects that took place on September 21st at 9:30am on the company’s YouTube channel.


In an ever-more globalized reality nearshoring is becoming a popular practice in technological projects. As in all partnerships, communication and understanding become key in building trust and ensuring successful long-term cooperation between people and companies. Culture, in its different facets, becomes a subject of great importance creating bridges towards successful partnerships. During our webinar, our different speakers shared their very interesting and valuable insights not only applicable to technology professionals but also other professionals in the most diverse business areas that might be interested in Nearshore as a business strategy.


Our first invited speaker, Philomène Dias, Director of Inward Investment at AICEP, started her Talk emphasizing the quality and potential of the Portuguese Technological talent: She highlighted the strong learning culture as an important aspect and closed her participation recognizing Portugal as a key destination for Tech projects. Next, Ferry Meijndert, CEO at Evident, Affinity’s client and business partner, refers to culture as a structural part of the company itself, regardless of the geography where the offices are based. Culture becomes essential both when choosing a partner company and when integrating new elements to the team. The aim is to create a true community, united by the same values, goals, and the intention of creating something special together. According to Ferry, speaking about culture isn’t about emphasizing the differences but rather about promote and share common grounds and experiences, it is all about people, talent, and culture.


Ferry’s perspective was followed by Pedro Esteves, Delivery Manager at Affinity that shared his vision of culture applied to a nearshore team context, deconstructing the importance of a ‘team culture’ in a 100% remote work environment. He considers communication to be one of the most important factors, as well as trust, transparency, and continuous feedback. He highlighted the importance of the choice and use of communication and co-working platforms to make the relationship more agile and efficient.


To closer our Webinar, Carlos Pais Correia, Affinity’s CEO, gave his practical advice about how, when, and why to choose a Nearshore partner, as well as what he considers to be the key aspects to have in mind when choosing a Portuguese partner for a totally remote project.


We thank all the participants, as well as our speakers for their contributions in a better understanding of the concept of Nearshore as well as the role played by Culture both when choosing an IT nearshore partner or country and in contributing to effectively create bridges and lead thriving nearshore relationships.


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