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The same values, A new commitment

Affinity has always defended its dedication towards a more responsible and caring world deciding, this year, to reinforce and expand this commitment by launching its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. This policy aims to define priorities and structure the company’s main areas of intervention based on the three vectors: protection of the environment; defence of animal rights and wellbeing; and protection of children’s rights and wellbeing.
Throughout its 7 years of existence, Affinity has always defended a clear focus on people and an overall ethical behaviour, conducting its business decisions with full transparency and adequate management of all environmental and social issues. Thereby, this Policy intends to review, organize and strengthen the company’s main social concerns, seeking for the continuity of all good practices and the engagement of its employees in the actions and efforts developed throughout the year.
Affinity assumes a sustainable business philosophy across the various departments and areas, making decisions at a corporate level to reduce its ecological footprint. The initiatives carried out within the scope of Environmental Responsibility aim to communicate and unite employees in raising awareness of sustainability issues, both through specific actions and by encouraging responsible behaviours. We practice and promote a responsible waste management and recycling in all our company offices and events; we decrease the use of plastic in all ways we can, namely by offering reusable water bottles to all company employees; we organize environmentally responsible events and we always select suppliers who share our sustainable principles and practices. In addition to these initiatives, Affinity also proposes to proactively participate in initiatives related to the protection of the environment recovering and cleaning ecologically degraded areas such as forests and beaches.
For Affinity it is a priority to offer a return to society, playing an active, positive and genuine role in a world with more “Affinity”. In this regard, actions are developed with underprivileged children or those with health weaknesses in order to support their development, health and wellbeing. Affinity also supports associations for the protection of abandoned or mistreated animals, promoting actions that involve employees in offering food and basic goods but also their time and love.
Despite inaugurating its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy this year, responsibility, integrity and transparency have conduct Affinity since its first day. Internally, a culture of proximity, trust and respect is fostered combined with constant investment in the wellbeing and happiness of its people. Professional challenges and career development are ensured according to one’s motivations and formal and informal moments of feedback are guaranteed. In these moments, initiatives of a socio-environmental nature were contemplated, which the company now plans to reinforce with a clear definition of its main concerns and priorities.
Welcoming all employees with a promise towards providing them with a Lifetime Experience, this new commitment fully sustains the company’s value proposition towards its people, nature and the social environment in which it operates.
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